CarTech: Support In Congress For Bilbray's Fuel Efficient Legislation Bookmark / Share / Print

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Congress passes bill to make 3-wheeled vehicles eligible for funds

Posted: Oct 16, 2009

Congress has passed a bill that will make fuel-efficient three-wheeled vehicles eligible for federal funding and is headed to the White House for President Barack Obama’s signature. The funding will be available to automakers and their suppliers.

The bill, which will open Department of Energy funding to companies like Aptera Motors, was passed by the Senate yesterday as a part of the energy appropriations bill after being approved by the House, report Automotive News.

“This is a huge win for scientific innovation and the environment,” said Rep. Brian Bilbray, R-Calif., a co-sponsor of the original bill. “We need more innovation and less regulation when it comes to promoting new ways to save energy while saving money at the pump.”

General Motors has openly criticized the bill saying that the Energy Department’s Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program should be available only to large automakers that mass produce cars and technology that will help save large amounts of gasoline.

GM has applied for $10 billion in Department of Energy funding.

- By: Stephen Calogera

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