Bilbray Amendment May Help Fuel Efficient Vehicles Bookmark / Share / Print

To read this article on the website, please click here:, October 8, 2009


Aptera Could Qualify for Federal Funding If Bill Is Approved

Aptera Motors’ funky three-wheeled electric car is one step closer to receiving the same U.S. Department of Energy funding that Tesla and Fisker enjoy. The 2e electric car currently does not qualify for DOE funding because of its three-wheel design, but U.S. Reps. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) tacked a measure onto a bill to change this.

Their amendment to the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act would expand DOE funding to any “fully enclosed vehicles capable of carrying two adults and get at least 75 mpg.” The bill passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 308-114 and now moves to the U.S. Senate.

“Obsolete bureaucratic definitions should not create roadblocks and stifle innovation,” Schiff said of the amendment.

The Aptera 2e travels roughly 100 miles on a charge and recharges in as little as four hours. Its three-wheel design and tear-drop shape are meant to maximize aerodynamic efficiency, as 50% of a car’s power at 55 mph is used to push through the air, according to Aptera. Changing the shape allowed them to use a smaller battery and get more bang for the buck. It expects the three-wheeler to be on the road next year.


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