News Releases

Murray Statement on Veterans Day: “We need to help our nation’s heroes find jobs”

November 10, 2010

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement in advance of Veterans Day.

“Veterans Day is a time to honor and celebrate the courage and commitment of our nation’s heroes. As the daughter of a disabled veteran, I have personally witnessed the deep sacrifices our men and women in uniform and their families have made for our country. And I believe that we owe them nothing less than the full support of a grateful nation when they come home.

“But unfortunately, too many of our veterans coming home from overseas are having trouble finding work in this tough economic climate. This is wrong, and it needs to end.

“Our veterans have the skills, determination, discipline and talent to succeed in the workplace, but despite learning a wide range of technical and leadership skills through their service, they often find it difficult to transfer these skills to civilian professions. And all too often, they fall through the cracks of existing employment assistance programs or do not qualify for their services.

“That is why I recently introduced the bi-partisan ‘Veterans Employment Assistance Act of 2010.’  My bill will help veterans of all ages find good, family-wage jobs. It takes a comprehensive approach to addressing veteran unemployment by improving training, skills transition, education, and small business assistance programs for the veterans who need it most. And I have talked to so many veterans across my home state of Washington who told me that these programs are exactly what they need to help them get back on their feet.

“So I am going to keep fighting to pass this bill quickly.  Because no veteran should come home from serving their country and not be able find a job that would allow them to support themselves and their families.”

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