News List
  • Owens Issues Statement in Support of Schumer’s Tax Cut Plan
    Dec 1, 2010  - WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Bill Owens issued the following statement in support of Senator Charles Schumer’s plan to offer an extension to the Bush-era tax cuts for those making less than a million dollars annually. “Senator Schumer’s plan cuts through the partisan noise that has dominated ... More
  • Owens’ Resolution Honoring 10th Mountain Division Passes House
    Dec 1, 2010  - WASHINGTON – Congressman Bill Owens spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday to urge support for his legislation (H. Res 1217) to honor the storied history of Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division.  The resolution pays tribute to the troops and families that have made imme... More
  • Bipartisan Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Honor Children of Fallen Service Members
    Nov 23, 2010  - Washington, DC – Reps. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Chris Lee (R-NY) and Bill Owens (D-NY) have joined together to introduce the “Gold Medal of Remembrance for the Sons and Daughters of Our Fallen Act of 2010” (H.R. 6443).  If enacted, the legislation would provide a “Gold Medal of Remembrance” to ... More
  • Owens: People here like tax cut compromise
    Nov 12, 2010  - Adirondack Daily Enterprise Bill Owens hasn't heard any feedback from his colleagues in Congress about his proposal for a compromise on extending the Bush-era tax cuts, but he says people in the district seem to like it. "I haven't heard from anybody from Washington, but I've got to tell you, ... More
  • Owens Releases Statement in Observance of Veterans Day
    Nov 11, 2010  - WASHINGTON – Congressman Bill Owens released the following statement regarding tomorrow’s observance of Veterans Day, honoring America’s almost 25 million veterans. “We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have served in America’s Armed Forces. The men and women who fought to defend our freedom ... More
  • Owens opposes raising limit on national debt
    Nov 5, 2010  - Watertown Daily Times — Rep. William L. Owens, D-Plattsburgh, said Thursday he will vote against raising the limit on the national debt, an issue that could confront the new Republican House majority early next year. Mr. Owens, who cast a similar vote earlier this year, said he isn't necessarily ... More
  • Owens and American Legion Praise 2010 as “Banner Year in Veterans Legislation”
    Oct 20, 2010  - PLATTSBURGH – Today, Congressman Bill Owens shared in the American Legion’s announcement that 2010 was a “banner year on veterans legislation.”  In their announcement, the Legion recognized several high priority pieces of their legislative agenda that Congress had accomplished. “I am proud ... More
  • Owens Announces Extension for Stop-Loss Deadline
    Oct 8, 2010  - Congressman Bill Owens today announced that the deadline for veterans, military personnel and their beneficiaries to apply for retroactive supplemental pay has been extended to December 3rd.  The original deadline for stop-loss payments was October 21st. "I am glad to see this date extended... More
  • Owens Votes to Support 9/11 Responders through Health Benefits
    Sep 30, 2010  - Yesterday, Congressman Bill Owens voted in favor of H.R. 847, The James Zadroga 9-11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, a bill that provides funding for a health program to monitor and treat responders that suffer illness related to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  The legislatio... More
  • Owens Votes to Grow Jobs, End Currency Manipulation by Foreign Countries
    Sep 30, 2010  - Yesterday, Congressman Bill Owens voted to support the growth of American jobs and to end currency manipulation by foreign countries like China.  The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act (H.R. 2378) will provide additional tools for the U.S. government to impose trade penalties against China for ... More