
A Wake Up Call for Governments Around the World
November 29, 2010  - First Greece was granted a bailout by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Now Ireland has been granted a massive bailout totaling $113 billion. Soon Portugal, Spain and Italy may line up to escape their dire financial straits. When will the perpetual bailouts end? Bloomber...More

Bachmann Urges Colleagues to Investigate Pigford before Funding Claims
November 29, 2010  - Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) issued the following statement today regarding the Claims Settlement Act, expected to be voted on in the House of Representatives this week: “I urge my colleagues to consider what the Claims Settlement Act truly presents before voting on the bill this week. ...More

Human Events: Giving Thanks for Liberty and Freedom
November 25, 2010  - Nearly four decades ago, a group of settlers seeking religious freedoms, known as the Pilgrims, marked their thankfulness to God for countless blessings with a Thanksgiving celebration. The Pilgrims came to this land by believing in the establishment of a new colony so their children could grow up w...More

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