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Quote of the Day

"The U.S. economy expanded at a faster clip than initially forecast in the third quarter, helped by more robust consumer spending and by stronger exports. The economy grew at a 2.5% annualized pace in the quarter, revised up from the initial estimate of 2.0%, the government said in its second estimate of quarterly gross domestic product. GDP growth was 1.7% during the second quarter.”
- Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, 11/23/2010

For Release: Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Contact: David Gillies: 202-225-5661


Washington - U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) issued the following statement concerning the consideration of H.R. 5, legislation that would cap non-economic and punitive damage awards in medical malpractice cases:

"I have said many times that I believe that medical malpractice reform is an issue best handled at the state level.  Twenty-nine states, including Illinois , have passed legislation addressing this issue.  If Congress chooses to override the states, it should include a variety of viewpoints and must address the issue of insurance industry reform.  Earlier this year, I voted for a bipartisan class action reform bill because it represented a consensus approach on how to address that problem.  I have made it very clear before and since that time that any effort at the federal level regarding medical malpractice reform should follow a similar model. 

"I will oppose H.R. 5 because it is a caps-only bill that does not address medical malpractice reform in a comprehensive manner.  In addition, the Republican majority refused to allow any amendments to the bill.  I offered an amendment to the Rules Committee that simply called for public hearings of any proposed medical malpractice insurance rate increase of greater than 15%.  My amendment, like all Democratic amendments, was rejected and not allowed to be considered or voted on by the full House of Representatives. 

"Insurance industry officials have been very clear:  passing caps on non-economic damages will not result in reduced medical practice premiums.  A recent study by the National Council of Insurance Commissioners revealed that medical malpractice carriers in Illinois raised their rates 13% last year, despite the fact that their direct losses increased 3%.  Caps alone will not solve this problem.  Insurance industry reform is necessary to bring the cost of medical malpractice premiums down, and must be a part of any effort in Congress to address this issue."


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