Audio Gallery


Listen to Congressman Berry's welcome message.

Congressman Berry meeting with FEMA Administrator, Craig Fugate. (6/21/2010)
Part 1:
Part 2:

Click here to read the transcript of the meeting.


Congressman Berry's Natural Resources Conservation Services 75th Anniversary Speech. (4/27/2010)

Berry’s Christmas Message for the Troops (December 2007)

Berry Talks to Farmers about Upcoming Farm Bill (July 2007)

Congressman Berry announces his 2006 reelection campaign (clip). (4/11/2006)

Berry Delivers Democratic National Radio Address on Medicare Reform.(3/26/2006)

Congressman Berry responds to the port security deal. (2/28/2006)

Congressman Berry responds to President Bush's State of the Union address.(1/31/2006)


Special Feature

When Congressman Berry is not in Washington, DC, he holds town hall meetings throughout the 1st Congressional District of Arkansas to learn more about the issues impacting his constituents. At each meeting, Congressman Berry provides legislative updates and provides services for constituents who are having trouble with any government agency.
Please Click Here to listen to one of Congressman Berry's October 2005 town hall meetings in England, Arkansas.