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Grassley News

WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley today announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s ... Read More >>

WASHINGTON – Saying that ethanol offers the most effective alternative to foreign oil ... Read More >>

In Case You Missed It

Senator Grassley is often mentioned in news stories across Iowa and the nation. Here are some stories that will provide additional in depth analysis of the issues Senator Grassley is working on.

Grassley goes after Dems over disappearance of MA plans in Iowa, The Hill, 10-5-10

Watch Senators Grassley and Landrieu on the Dr. Phil Show discussing foster care and adoption, 10-1-10

Obama team uses flimflammery to inflate jobs numbers, The Washington Examiner, Byron York, 9-23-10

G.M. Shares Must Hit New Heights to Pay Back U.S., The New York Times, Michael J. de la Merced, 9-22-10

U.S. Must Sell GM Shares at $133.78 to Break Even, The Wall Street Journal, Sharon Terlep, 9-22-10

Report: Amtrack improperly removed its watchdog, Washington Post, Ed O'Keefe, 9-14-10

Congress should not allow small business owners to pay for overspending, The Hill, 9-13-10

GOP outpaces Dems on Twitter, Politico, Kim Hart, 9-9-10

Housing Authority Scandal Has Stimulus in the Spotlight, CQ Weekly, Clea Benson, 9-6-10

Grassley calls SEC response on alleged retaliation 'extremely disturbing', Washington Post, Zach Goldfarb

New dustup over dust, Fort Dodge Messenger, 8-1-10

Grassley still swinging for biodiesel credits, Carroll Daily Times Herald, 7-20-10

Automatic Pay Hike for Congress? How About a Pay Cut?, Mason City Globe Gazette, 7-19-10

Kudos to Grassley, Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil, 6-27-10

SEC 'Revolving Door' Under Review, The Wall Street Journal, 6-16-10

- Grassley letter to IG Kotz about the agency's "revolving door"

- Reply letter to Grassley from IG Kotz

The 25 hardest working lawmakers, The Hill, 6-9-10

The Senate should override Jim DeMint and limit 'secret holds', The Washington Post, 5-24-10

Sen. Grassley champions small business, Fort Dodge Messenger, 5-23-10

Grassley wants answers on oil rig regulation, Radio Iowa, 5-18-10

End the Senate's secret holds, Dubuque Telegraph Herald editorial, 5-14-10

Secret Holds, Washington Post editorial, 5-10-10

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash, New York Times, 4-30-10

Grassley prediction was on target, Fort Dodge Messenger Editorial, 4-18-10

PBS FRONTLINE interview, 4-13-10

Grassley says Medicare dollars wasted at fake drug stores - Radio Iowa, 4-6-10

Talking with Grassley - Estherville Daily News, 4-6-10

SEC Lawyer One Day, Opponent the Next - Wall Street Journal, 4-5-10

Grassley fights - Fort Dodge Messenger Editorial, 3-7-10

2009's 100 Most Influential People in Business Ethics, Ethisphere, 12-16-09

Sen. Grassley demands TARP accountability - Fort Dodge Messenger Editorial, 11-22-09

Urbandale kids get civics lesson from visiting Senator Grassley - Tom Barton, Des Moines Register, 11-17-09

Grassley e-newsletter, October 2, 2009

Grassley e-newsletter, October 16, 2009

2009 Newsletter: A Health Care Q & A (updated with clarification on tax question)

Grassley Touts Making Congress, Staff Get Insurance from Exchange- by Tom Beaumont, The Des Moines Register, 9-30-09

Grassley Amendment Raises Doctor Payments- by Tony Leys, The Des Moines Register, 9-30-09

Grassley Warns of Hyperinflation Rivaling the 1980s- by Michael O'Brien, The Hill, 8-25-09

Regular Folks Shock Jittery Politicians - by John Carlson, The Des Moines Register, 8-19-09

Probing Doctors Ties to Industry - The Washington Post, August 18, 2009

Health Care - Can Obama Find a Cure? - Time Magazine, August 10, 2009

What Now For Obamacare? - The Economist, August 1st - 7th, 2009

Grassley Fights Wasteful Spending at Legal Services Corp- The Washington Times, July 28, 2009

GOP's Grassley Key to Senate Hopes for a Bipartisan Deal on Health Care - Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2009

2 Key Senators Epitomize Spirit of Cooperation on Capitol Hill - Des Moines Register, February 20, 2009

Senator Grassley and Senator Baucus epitomize bipartisanship, leading the Senate's powerful Finance Committee..

An Economic Game Plan Emerges- Politico, January 7, 2009

Senator Grassley discusses the developing role economic stimulus package and the role of the proposes tax cuts in the plan.

The deciders: Veteran chairmen- Politico, January 7, 2009

The Senate Finance Committee and it's Ranking Member Senator Grassey will play a vital role in shaping legislation for the 111th Congress.

Pro Farmer names Senator Grassley "Ag Person of the Year"

Grassley to GMA: Apologize or Lower Prices - DTN Ag Policy Blog

Make Hospitals Earn Tax-exempt Status - Des Moines Register Editorial

Grassley Honored as Guardian of Small Business by NFIB

Grassley 2008 Newsletter