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    Jan 28, 2006 - Rep. Slaughter Delivers $100,000 to Pulaski Library Project for Renovations

    Rep. Slaughter Delivers $100,000 to Pulaski Library Project for Renovations

    Congresswoman to announce $100,000 from LMS Earmark


    ROCHESTER, NY- Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (NY-28) held a press conference Monday morning to announce $100,000 in Federal Funding for the Pulaski Library Project.


    "This money will have a lasting impact for years to come.  I look forward...," stated Rep. Slaughter.


    With the Federal Funding secured by Rep. Slaughter the Pulaski Library will be transformed into a Community Technology Center, coffee shop, archival space for neighborhood history and possibly another commercial or retail store.


    "The Group 14621 Community Association is very excited that it will continue to be an anchor for the neighborhood as it is adapted and renovated for use as the new Community Technology Center, helping to bridge the digital divide in this neighborhood. We would like to thank Congresswoman Slaughter for her pro-active support of this important project," stated Joan Roby-Davison, Executive Director of Group 14621.


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