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    Dec 6 2005 - DELAY FACT CHECK #6

    DeLay's most serious charges were upheld.


    Yesterday's ruling exonerated Tom DeLay:  Spokesman Kevin Madden: "The court's decision to dismiss a portion of Ronnie Earle's manufactured and flawed case against Mr. DeLay underscores just how baseless and politically motivated the charges were.  The judge's ruling...represents yet another legal victory." [R. Jeffrey Smith and Jonathan Weisman, "DeLay's Felony Charge Is Upheld," The Washington Post, 12/6/05]



    The two most serious charges against DeLay were upheld.  Tom DeLay will go to trial faced with felony charges of money laundering, punishable by five years to life in prison, and conspiracy to launder money.  [April Castro, "DeLay Could Face Trial Early Next Year" The Associated Press, 12/6/05] 

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