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    Sept 30 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Condemns Bill Bennett

    Rep. Slaughter Condemns Bill Bennett's Racist Remarks

    Ranking Member Calls for his Removal from the Airwaves


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, sent the following letter to the President of Salem Radio Network today, condemning the racist on-air comments of former Education Secretary and radio host Bill Bennett.  Rep Slaughter has called for his immediate removal from the airwaves.


     September 30, 2005


    Mr. Greg Anderson


    Salem Radio Network

    6400 North Beltline Road

    Suite 210

    Irving, TX 75063


    Dear Mr. Anderson:


    I am writing to express my deep disgust and outrage regarding remarks made by former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett on your network on September 28, 2005.  During his radio show, Bill Bennett's Morning in America, Mr. Bennett made the reprehensible argument that, "...it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." 


    Mr. Bennett's incendiary comments were blatantly racist and deeply offensive to all Americans.  Particularly so in the wake of the hurricane disaster in New Orleans which painfully revealed the shocking extent to which racial inequality and injustice still exists in America today. Mr. Bennett's comments only serve to perpetuate that inequality through the dissemination of ignorance, hate and bigotry. He and his views should be roundly condemned. A man of Mr. Bennett's background, with all the benefits of his education and high position should certainly know better, as should anyone.  He clearly should not be on the radio. 


    I, therefore, ask that you reevaluate the status of Mr. Bennett's radio program on your network.  Your failure to take Mr. Bennett off the airwaves will only reflect poorly on the integrity of your organization, and will be interpreted by your listeners as support of Mr. Bennett's overtly racist comments. 


    You have an opportunity condemn these racist remarks, and I urge you to act to prevent further recklessness on the radio airwaves.  I look forward to your timely response.






                                                                            Louise M. Slaughter

                                                                            Member of Congress

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