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    Sept 29 2005 - Slaughter Hosts Major Meeting at Canadian Embassy to Discuss Border Issues

    Slaughter Hosts Major Meeting at Canadian Embassy to Discuss Border Issues

    Local Mayors, Industry, Congressmen, Canadian Officials Discuss Future Border Transit


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, today hosted a major meeting at the Canadian Embassy in Washington to discuss the future of transit across the US-Canadian border. Numerous New York Members of Congress were in attendance, along with local mayors, officials from the Embassy, and representatives of concerned industries.


    "The proposed passport regulation, if accepted as-is, will cause serious economic damage to our border communities," Rep. Slaughter said. "It is imperative that we not allow security procedures to unnecessarily impede trade and tourism with our Canadian neighbors," she added.


    "What we need to do is come together and offer real alternatives to this passport requirement, alternatives like those presented by the NEXUS program, which I and many of my colleagues have been advocating for years," Rep. Slaughter said.


    Later in the day, Rep. Slaughter met with mayors from the local cities to be most effected by new passport-based border crossing regulations being advocated by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security. The State Department's Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative was discussed, as was a plan of action to promote alternatives to it which would maintain border security while keeping open the cross-border transit which is so vitally important to the region's economy.




    Rep. Slaughter was the first Member of Congress to object to the Travel Initiative because of the negative economic consequences it would have for citizens in northern border communities on both sides of the US-Canadian border. The Initiative's passport requirement would result in long travel delays, reducing cross-border traffic and hurting local businesses and tourism in the process.


    Rep. Slaughter and the members of the Northern Border Caucus have consistently supported an extension of the NEXUS program as opposed to the plan put forth by DHS and State. NEXUS presents a cheaper, more efficient approach to border security which would not adversely impact the economic vitality of the northern border region.


    A list of those in attendance at the Canadian Embassy can be found below.


    Members of the Canadian Embassy


    Jon Allen, Minister (Political), Embassy of Canada

    Steve Brereton, Canadian Consul-General, Buffalo


    Congress (and staff)


    Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton

    Senator Charles E. Schumer

    Congresswoman Louise McIntosh Slaughter

    Congressman Thomas M. Reynolds

    Congressman Brian Higgins

    Congressman John E. Sweeney

    Congressman Maurice D. Hinchey

    Congressman John R. Kuhl

    Congressman John M. McHugh

    Congressman Michael R. McNulty

    Congressman James T. Walsh

    Congressman Peter King


    Mayors and Mayoral staff


    Lord Mayor Gary Burroughs, Niagara on the Lake

    His Worship Ted Salci, Niagara Falls, ON

    His Worship Wayne Redekop, Fort Erie

    Mayor Anthony Masiello, Buffalo

    Mayor Vince Anello, Niagara Falls, NY

    Tim Wanamaker, Director of Planning, Buffalo

    Jim Thibert, Director, Fort Erie Economic Development

    Patrick Gould, Capitol Partners, Lobbyist for the City of Buffalo


    Concerned Members of Industry


    Margaret Irwin, American Trucking Associations

    John Courtin, Darwin Martin House Restoration Project

    Paul Dyster, Niagara Greenway Commission

    Tom Garlock, General Manager, Niagara Falls Bridge Commission and President, Bridge and Tunnel Operators Association

    Ron Rienas, General Manager, Peace Bridge Authority

    Jim Mazzarella, Washington DC rep for NYS Gov. Pataki

    Tom Donahoe, General Manager, Buffalo Bills

    Don Cormier, Toronto-Rochester Fast Ferry

    Ambassador Anthony Gioia, former Amb. to Malta

    Andrew Rudnick, President/CEO, Buffalo Niagara Partnership

    Paul Koessler and John Lopinski, Chair and Co-Chair of the Peace Bridge Authority

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