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    Sept 27 2005 - Slaughter: Power Negotiations between City, County and NYPA a

    Slaughter: Power Negotiations between City, County and NYPA a ‘Positive Step'


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, released the following statement at the news that the City of Buffalo, Erie County and representatives from NYPA met today to negotiate a better settlement for Erie County.


    "I have appreciated the opportunity to advocate for Erie County and Buffalo in my recent negotiations with NYPA.  I have found NYPA to be receptive to our efforts to secure a better deal for our community. The meeting today was a crucial step toward reaching a new settlement and I am pleased to hear that it went well. I look forward to an agreement being reached as negotiations continue."


    -Rep. Louise Slaughter

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