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    August 26 2005 - Slaughter Issues Statement in Anticipation

    Slaughter Issues Statement in Anticipation
    of BRAC Commission Decision on NFARS


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, made the following statement at 3:45 p.m. in anticipation of the BRAC Commission's final consideration of the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.


    "Today, we are all eagerly awaiting the BRAC commission's final vote on the future of the Niagara Falls Air Base.


    I am increasingly confident that the BRAC Commission will vote this evening to save the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, and with it thousands of local jobs.


    We have been working hard together over the past several months to demonstrate to the BRAC Commission the critical Homeland Security value of NFARS for the entire northeast, and I believe the Commissioners have heard our call, and will ultimately vote to keep the base open and operational."


    Rep. Slaughter spent the day in Washington yesterday at the BRAC Commission hearings and has been in regular communication with various members of the Commission throughout this process.

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