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    July 25 2005 - Slaughter to Bush: Help Low-Income ...

    Slaughter to Bush:  Help Low-Income

    Families Survive the Heat Wave

    Emergency Funds Would Help With High Temperatures and Energy Costs


    Washington, DC- 21 Members of Congress, led by Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, authored a bipartisan letter to President Bush calling on him to release $47.6 million in emergency Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to aid low-income households trying to pay their summer energy bills. 


    Across the Northeast and Midwest, a scorching heat wave and high energy costs are putting many Americans needlessly at risk.  Western New York is in the middle its hottest July in 12 years and Rochester Gas & Electric has seen record electricity usage levels.  Low-income residents, who are still trying to pay off debts incurred during last year's cold winter, are now struggling to stay cool in the sweltering summer heat.     


    Rep. Slaughter said, "We have record high temperatures and record high energy prices across the country, and here in Western New York. We've seen the dangerous effects caused by extreme temperatures in the past." She added, "Then, as now, the people at greatest risks are the elderly, the young and the impoverished, and the funds are there to assist them.  My colleagues and I are urging President Bush to act now."

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