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    July 1 2005 - Slaughter Announces $2.3 Million for Rochester Organization to Promote Rural ...

    Slaughter Announces $2.3 Million for Rochester Organization to Promote Rural Development

    Grant Will Provide Housing, Training Benefits to Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers

    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Rules, announced that the Department of Labor has awarded two separate grants totaling $2,373,403 to Rural Opportunities, Inc. of Rochester, New York. 


    Part of the sizeable grants will help Western New York to build both emergency housing and permanent housing for underprivileged farm workers.  Additionally, one of the grants is designed specifically to provide workers with new training and education.


    "Agriculture in Western New York is a vital part of our economy." said Rep. Slaughter, "and this funding with ensure that our farms have the workforce they need to thrive, and our farm workers have the skills needed to build a successful future for their families." 


    Slaughter added, "I believe that while the funds for emergency housing will solve some short-term problems, the funds for training and education will help these communities in the long-term by providing workers with more specialized training and better job opportunities." 

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