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    June 24 2005 - Slaughter Applauds Wine Compromise

    Slaughter Applauds Wine Compromise

    Standing With Consumers Was Right Decision


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), the leading voice in Congress to end bans on direct shipment of wine to consumers in other states, today praised a compromise reached between Gov. George Pataki and the New York State Legislature to allow the shipment of New York wine to consumers in other states.


    "I applaud Governor Pataki, Speaker Silver and Majority Leader Bruno for making the right decision.  With their compromise, consumers everywhere have won," said Rep. Slaughter. "While I would rather they not place a limit on the number of cases consumers can order, this a significant step forward and it will assure consumers everywhere have access to the excellent wine being made throughout New York."


    The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that states may not ban, or severely limit, the direct shipment of out-of-state wine, while simultaneously authorizing direct shipment by in-state producers.  The Court stated that laws banning direct shipment of wine from out of state are discriminatory and unfair where in-state producers are allowed to ship wines directly to consumers.  The compromise reached between Governor Pataki and the State Legislature will amend existing law to bring it in line with the Supreme Court's decision.


    Rep. Slaughter continued, "This is a major victory for New York wineries and for the rights of all consumers. This compromise will spur economic development in Western New York and have an enormous impact on wineries throughout the state as a whole, where we produce over 100 million bottles of wine every year."

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