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    June 23, 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Announces $27,000 for Rochester Community Service Group

    Rep. Slaughter Announces $27,000 for Rochester Community Service Group

    Foster Grandparent Program Will Help Inner-City Children

    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Rules, announced today that The Community Place of Greater Rochester will receive a grant in the amount of $27,000 from The Corporation for National Community Service to benefit a local foster grandparent program. 


    The Monroe County Foster Grandparent Program will be able to use the grant money to match experienced volunteer foster grandparents with inner city school children in grade K-5 who are either already in foster homes or are at high risk of being placed in foster care.  The foster grandparents will then offer academic and personal guidance to the children for at least five hours per week.


    "I am pleased to announce this grant for such an important service," Rep. Slaughter said.  "Too often we see children, particularly those in inner-city schools, who have been left behind by the system," she added.  "I hope our own local organization, the Monroe County Foster Grandparent Program, can use this grant to continue making a difference in the lives of children in Rochester."

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