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    April 17 2005 - Slaughter Launches Online BRAC Resource Center

    Slaughter Launches Online BRAC Resource Center
    Website Aims to Answer Questions/Keep Constituents Informed


    Washington, DC -  Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-Fairport) announced today that her office has created an ‘Online BRAC Resource Center' to help her constituents and members of the media better understand the BRAC process and keep them up to date with breaking news and information related to the proposed closing of the Niagara Falls Air Base.


    "I hope this new feature on my website will serve as a useful resource for my constituents as we navigate through these uncertain waters. This we be another helpful tool in our struggle to determine the future of the Niagara Falls Air Base," said Rep. Slaughter. "Over the coming days and weeks my staff will update the site often so all those affected by the possible closing of the base can find answers to their questions and remain up to date on all developments affecting this very important issue," Slaughter continued.


    Visit Rep. Slaughter's ‘Online BRAC Resource Center' at:


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