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    May 3, 2005 - Rep. Slaughter Announces Federal Loan and Grant Award for Lyndonville

    Rep. Slaughter Announces Federal Loan and Grant Award for Lyndonville

    Means New Local Jobs and Economic Development Opportunities

    Washington, DC
    - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY-28) is pleased to announce that the USDA has approved a Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant for the Village of Lyndonville. The loan of $882,000 as well as a grant of $175,000 will be used to replace the 75 year old transmission watermain that runs from the north Village limits to the south Village limits along Main Street.  The project will serve 588 users.  The terms of the loan are 38 years at 4.24 percent interest.


    "I am delighted to have played a part in Village of Lyndonville being awarded this USDA Grant and Loan.  By securing part of the financing of the grant, the cost to the residence of the village will be lower.  The replacement of the antiquated water system will allow for new housing and business development and will create local jobs, a vital need for this small community in my district," stated Congresswoman Slaughter.


    With a population of less than 1,000 people, Lyndonville is a small rural community in the County of Orleans, Town of Yates.  The replacement of this water main will allow the Village to open up the possibilities of selling water to the neighboring township of Ridgeway.  In addition, this project will provide increased water pressure and fire protection that is needed for expansion of the south end of the Village.  The village has been approached several times about developing land in this area, both for housing, and a winery, which has been turned down by the NYS Health Department because of an antiquated water system.  The winery could mean an additional 10 jobs.  Housing units could be an additional 20 to 30 units.


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