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    March 16, 2005 - Americans for the Arts Report shows NY 28th District Ranked 14th Nationally with...

    Americans for the Arts Report shows NY 28th District Ranked 14th Nationally with over 19,000 Art Related Jobs

    Slaughter is Featured Speaker at National Arts Advocacy Day


    Washington, DC - A report issued by Americans for the Arts called Creative Industries 2005: The Congressional Report, which focuses on the creative industries as a growing sector of our national economy, has listed New York's 28th District as 14th in the nation, with 19,163, for the number of art related jobs in 2005.  The report also showed that the 28th District has 1,263 arts related business, an increase of 48 in the last year.

    Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), co-chair of the Congressional Arts Caucus, was a featured speaker yesterday at the Arts Advocacy Day Breakfast, part of the 2005 National Arts Day Summit. The annual event brought leaders from arts communities across the nation together with prominent Washington policymakers who seek to advance arts funding, education, and development throughout the country.

    "We on the Hill who work to keep money flowing to the arts are trying hard to convince other Representatives of the importance of the arts to our society - and to our economic well-being," Slaughter said, speaking of the event. "By funding arts programs, we are helping our economy today and working to ensure its strength tomorrow," she added, noting that, "arts industries create local jobs, and arts programs in schools help our students to learn faster and think deeper about their lives and their world."

    Mrs. Slaughter spoke of her own district numerous times during and after her speech at the event. "Despite recent economic troubles, arts-related industries have continued to benefit the economies of both Buffalo and Rochester," she said. "There are over 1,200 arts-related businesses in my district - even more than there were last year. Together, they are responsible for more than 19,000 fulfilling and enriching jobs, and are a vital part of our local economy," Slaughter added.

    Rep. Slaughter also referenced the Creative Industries 2005 Congressional Report, a study released at the Summit detailing the positive economic impact that arts industries continue to have throughout the nation.

    "This report proves that those of us working to increase arts funding are doing what is right for this country, and doing it at the right time," Slaughter said. "I will continue my work ensuring that the artists in my district, as well as those throughout the nation, receive the funding they need to continue their vital work," she added. "The economic, intellectual, and social health of my region, like that of our nation, depends on it."

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