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    March 8, 2005 - Report Highlighting GOP Abuses of Power

    Leader Pelosi and Rep. Slaughter Unveil Report Highlighting GOP Abuses of Power

    Rules Committee report details the Death of Deliberative Democracy in the Republican controlled House of Representatives.


    Washington, DC - Rep. Louise M. Slaughter of New York, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Rules, joined House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California at a press conference today where they unveiled a new 147-page Congressional Report detailing the erosion of the democratic process in the Republican controlled Congress.  The report compiled by Congresswoman Slaughter is clear evidence of how the Republican Majority have abused their power and have conducted their affairs in an unethical and inappropriate manner.


    The document utilizes comparative facts, charts, figures, legislative statistics, analysis from non-partisan experts, information found in the official Congressional Record and even commentary from current and former Republican leaders to clearly demonstrate that the current Republican leadership is the most abusive and unethical in modern history.


    Congresswoman Slaughter made the following comments during and after the press conference:


    "What people learn in school about how a bill becomes a law isn't true anymore in Washington. Now, the Republicans have their lobbyists writing legislation in back rooms and the American people are shut out of the process.  If the American people knew what the Republicans have done to the people's House, they would be outraged."


    "This Republican leadership only convenes Congress two days a week on average, and they spend a good day and half each week renaming post offices and honoring foreign dignitaries. The business of the people is not being debated, it is not being considered and it is not getting done."


    "The way the majority runs the House is a moral decision, it reflects the values of our Democracy, it directly affects people's lives. The American values of integrity and decency are under attack by the Republicans in this body. They have corrupted the legislative process and have diminished this institution."   


    The report can be downloaded in its entirety at the following address:




    To receive a hard copy or email version, please contact Eric Burns@(202) 225-8415

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