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    Feb 17 -2005 - Rep. Slaughter Lauds Senate Passage of Genetic Non-Discrimination Bill

    Rep. Slaughter Lauds Senate Passage of Genetic Non-Discrimination Bill

    Slaughter Pledges to Lead the Charge on the House Side

    Washington, DC - Congresswoman Slaughter made the following statement this afternoon upon learning the Senate overwhelmingly passed S. 306 for the second time, a bill to prohibit discrimination in health insurance and employment on the basis of genetic information:


    "Senator Olympia Snowe and the entire Senate should be congratulated for their strong bipartisan leadership on this critical issue.


    Now that the Senate has acted so decisively, it is critical that the American people tell our obstructionist House leadership that they want this Genetic Non-Discrimination legislation to be passed into law this year.  They need to know that they can pro-actively choose to undergo genetics testing without risking their jobs or health insurance.


    After all, the President supports it, the Senate has passed it overwhelmingly and a majority of the House is ready to vote in favor of the bill.  The House Leadership has failed to lead on this issue, it is time for them to get out of the way and allow this bill to become law."


    Slaughter has been leading voice in the House on Genetic Non-Discrimination for the last ten years. Her Genetic Non-Discrimination bill in the 108th Congress, H.R. 1910, had 242 cosponsors, a majority of the House of Representatives.


    Congresswoman Slaughter is working diligently with colleagues to ensure that Genetic Non-Discrimination is passed by the House in the 109th Congress, and signed into law by the President.

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