Managing Lobbyist Accounts

Two steps must be completed before lobbyists can sign in to the system and file contribution forms:

    The registrant must verify the name of employees who were registered before 1/1/2008 or add new employees who were registered to lobby after that date;

    The lobbyist must complete the steps to create a password and set their security questions.

Each time the registrant verifies the name of an employee, or adds them to the system, an email is sent to that lobbyist.  When the lobbyist completes the steps to set their password, their account is activated and they can sign in and file their forms.

Please review the sections listed below for step by step instructions.

See Tutorials for registrant and lobbyist account management demonstrations

Step by Step Instructions:

Reviewing Lobbyist Accounts

Adding New Lobbyist Accounts

Verifying Previously Registered Lobbyists

Activating Lobbyist Accounts
