Department of Commerce PDF Print

The Department of Commerce will receive a total of $7.9 billion from the Recovery Act.  This money will be allocated through the {0208EEB3-BAFD-4D11-AEAD-23967A59C654}following bureaus:

More information about Department of Commerce plans can be found by clicking here or visiting

Commerce Programs Receiving Funding

Economic Development Assistance:  $150 million

Description: "The Recovery Act includes $150 million for EDA to provide grants to economically distressed areas across the Nation to generate private sector jobs. Priority consideration will be given to those areas that have experienced sudden and severe economic dislocation and job loss due to corporate restructuring. Funds will be disbursed through the agency's traditional grant making process and will support efforts to create higher-skill, higher-wage jobs by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship and connecting regional economies with the worldwide marketplace." (from Commerce Department Receives $7.9 Billion in Recovery Act Funding Essential to U.S. Job Creation and Economic Growth)  Information about the specific programs that are funded by the EDA can be found at

Type of funding: Competitive Grants

How to apply: Funds will be distributed by the federal agency.  Visit for more information about the programs funded by the Economic Development Administration.

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program:  $4.7 billion

Description: "The U.S. Congress has appropriated $4.7 billion to establish a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for awards to eligible entities to develop and expand broadband services to rural and underserved areas and improve access to broadband by public safety agencies. Of these funds, $250 million will be available for innovative programs that encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; at least $200 million will be available to upgrade technology and capacity at public computing centers, including community colleges and public libraries; $10 million will be a transfer to the Office of Inspector General for the purposes of BTOP audits and oversight. Up to $350 million of the BTOP funding is designated for the development and maintenance of statewide broadband inventory maps." (from NTIA website)

Type of funding: Competitive Grants

How to apply: Funds will be distributed by the federal agency.  Visit for more information about this program.

Scientific and Technical Research and Services:  $220 million

Description: "$220 million goes to NIST's Scientific and Technical Research and Services (STRS) appropriation for NIST laboratory research, competitive grants, additional research fellowships, and advanced research and measurement equipment and supplies. These funds will support economic growth and U.S. innovation in areas of national priority in science and technology." (from NIST Recovery Act Qs and As)

Type of funding: Competitive Grants

How to apply: Visit for more information on how to apply for STRS grants.

Construction of Research Facilities:  $360 million

Description: "$360 million to address NIST's backlog of maintenance and renovation projects and for construction of new facilities and laboratories, including $180 million for a competitive construction grant program for funding research science buildings outside of NIST." (from NIST Recovery Act Qs and As)

Type of funding: Competitive Grants and Agency Plans

How to apply: Visit for more information on how to apply for CRF grants.

TV Converter Box Coupon Program:  $650 million

Description: The "$650 million for the TV Converter Box Coupon Program to allow NTIA to issue coupons to all households currently on the waiting list, to start mailing coupons via first class mail and to ensure vulnerable populations are prepared for the transition from analog-to-digital television transmission." (from Commerce Department Receives $7.9 Billion in Recovery Act Funding Essential to U.S. Job Creation and Economic Growth)

Type of funding: By Demand

How to apply: Visit for more information on how to apply for a coupon.