Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay

Attention all former and current servicemembers who involuntarily served from September 11, 2001, to September 30, 2009! You may be eligible to receive $500 for each month served past your contracted end-of-service, resignation or retirement date.

Congres has approved legislation authorizing stipends for an estimated 185,000 servicemembers affected by the "Stop Loss" authority since September 11, 2001. Survivors of servicemembers killed in combat or who died after their service will also be allowed to make claims. Stop-lossed servicemembers who voluntarily reenlisted or extended their service, and received a bonus for such reenlistment or extension of service, are not eligible.

To receive this benefit, those who served under stop loss must submit a claim for the special pay. Claims must be submitted by December 2, 2010.

Information for submitting a claim can be found on your service's Stop Loss Web site, or by clicking here.