Petri News Release Banner

October 3, 2005

Oshkosh Area School District Gets
$238,547 Emergency Response Grant

WASHINGTON -- Representative Tom Petri reports that the Oshkosh Area School District will receive a $238,547 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to strengthen school emergency crisis management plans.

George Pouba, the Deputy Superintendent of the school district, said in response to the news, "We needed this money really bad. We're going to do some great stuff with it. The groundwork has been laid, and we just need to carry it out."

Petri said that the school district has been working with area emergency responders such as the fire and police departments throughout Winnebago County to prepare for natural or terrorist-related crises in both public and parochial schools. "Every classroom and every school office will be included in the effort to improve emergency response procedures involving communication, transportation, medical attention and more."

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