Petri News Release Banner

April 23, 2004

Kiel H.S. Students Visit Petri in Washington

WASHINGTON – Congressman Tom Petri met with 24 Kiel High School juniors and seniors Thursday, April 22, in his Washington office. The group was headed by Kiel High School social studies teacher Greg Kuehl, who brought the students to the capital under the auspices of Close Up, a Washington-based organization which helps students to learn about the federal government.

"We flew in on Sunday, and they've been all over Washington through this organization learning about foreign affairs, they went to the Agriculture Department to meet with media experts, they've been to the theater to see a play, and now we're spending the whole day on Capitol Hill," said Kuehl.

Petri said, "Here they had a chance to see a congressional office and discuss a number of issues, ask questions about things they've been talking about in class or reading about."

High school junior Gabrielle Lulloff said, "It's just a neat experience to travel the unknown, government-wise."

Kiel High School Students visit Rep. Petri

A group of stduents from Kiel High School
with Rep. Tom Petri in his Washington office.

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