Petri News Release Banner

October 7, 2001

Petri Joins Johnsonville Sausage at Pentagon
to Raise Funds for Memorial

WASHINGTON -- Johnsonville Sausage of Sheboygan held a bratwurst fundraiser in the Pentagon courtyard Thursday. The receipts will be used to build a memorial to those who were killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

With thousands of Pentagon workers lining up for lunch, Congressman Tom Petri was on hand to distribute brats. Petri also took the microphone to praise Johnsonville's employees and their product.

"They are the kind of people who make America great," said Petri. "If you haven't got a brat, it's worth waiting for. I guarantee it. Everyone will get one and you'll end up $50,000 better off because of this event."

Rep. Tom Petri with Defense Secretary Rumsfeld

Rep. Petri chats with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at Johnsonville Sausage's Pentagon fundraiser.

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