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November 23, 2004

Petri Delivers Airport Funds

WASHINGTON -- The $388 billion spending bill recently approved by Congress includes $1 million which Rep. Tom Petri requested for the Sheboygan airport and $400,000 which he requested for the Fond du Lac airport.

The funds for Sheboygan County Memorial Airport are to purchase and operate an instrument landing system and an approach lighting system. "These are priorities because use of the airport has grown significantly, and it's now home to 116 aircraft," Petri said. "The instrument landing system will allow all-weather access to the primary runway."

The funds for the Fond du Lac County Airport are to purchase and operate a localizer with Distance Measuring Equipment for the primary runway. "This will provide all- weather access to the airport," said Petri.

"The airport recorded 68,750 aircraft takeoffs and landing in 2003 and is the number one congestion reliever for the Wittman Regional Airport during the Experimental Aircraft Association Airshow, the second largest airshow in the world, which annually attracts more than 12,000 planes. Obviously, it deserves support," Petri said.

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