Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Shea Snider
November 18, 2010 (202) 225-3261
Report from Washington
Rebuilding the People’s House
WASHINGTON, D.C. -  After coming back to Washington, D.C. for the lame-duck session in Congress, there’s a new sense of urgency on Capitol Hill.
In early November, people across the United States, had the opportunity to have their voices heard in the direction they want our country to be headed.

Their voices came through loud and clear. They want a Congress that’s transparent and accountable to the people that will get our fiscal house in order, and focus on jobs. 

I have felt the same frustrations most folks across East Alabama have had with the current Democratic-controlled Congress.

My sincere hope is change and accountability is on its way. Over the past two years, we’ve all struggled with these tough economic times.

It’s been hard to find relief.

Our country’s spending remains out-of-control, while folks across the country have done quite the opposite by cutting back on their spending.  

Why doesn’t the Federal Government have to follow suit?

The two highest deficits ever recorded in history happened on the watch of the 111th Congress. Our debt is at $13.7 trillion, and before one more dollar of debt is added we must demand real cuts to begin to slow that ever growing bill.

Before the Republican Congress begins its work in 2011, Congress’ agenda is packed for its brief lame duck session under Democratic control in November and December. Topping the agenda, with unemployment over nine percent for the 18th consecutive month, it is unconscionable to me that Congress is still talking about allowing tax increases in about six weeks.

When did a tax increase create a good-paying job?

Letting these expire will only kick hard-working families and small businesses when they are already down.

Many more issues await the lame duck session under the Democratic leadership, including very difficult spending decisions.

Looking forward to 2011, one thing’s for sure: in this economy Americans don’t really care about politics. They want results – a better economy, lower spending and more accountability in Washington. I would also like to see the healthcare bill repealed and replaced with better solutions.
Many of those changes are coming. Many others may be hard to come by given President Obama may oppose them or push his agenda.  Focusing on jobs, fixing our economy and passing legislation that helps put more people back in good-paying jobs must be, and I believe will be, at the top of the agenda next year.

You have spoken, and I am optimistic the new Republican-led House of Representatives in 2011 will finally listen.  I hope under the new Leadership, you – the people – can help us rebuild this House.

As always, feel free to contact me at www.house.gov/mike-rogers.