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2334 Rayburn House
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Washington, DC 20515
Tel. 202-225-5635

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Suite 669
New York, NY 10014
Tel. 212-367-7350

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Brooklyn, NY 11224
Tel. 718-373-3198

FY2011 Appropriations Requests PDF Print

Congress annually considers several appropriations measures which provide funding for numerous important programs, such as health care, education, economic development, homeland security and national defense.  The power to appropriate is a legislative power.  The executive branch may not spend more than the amount appropriated, and it may use available funds only for the purposes established by Congress.

Member-directed projects are submitted in an open and transparent process and they help ensure that federal funds are spent in a manner that benefits local communities.  A congressional representative is often more familiar with the particulars and needs of his district than remote officials in Washington.

The requests that I have submitted represent what I believe – after thorough review – to be beneficial local projects and a productive use of federal dollars.  This year, I received 172 requests for a total of $192,825,146* from organizations in my district.  I submitted 51 requests to the House Appropriations Committee, for a total of $79,178,982.*  The Appropriations Committee will make the final decision on which of these or other local projects to fund.  I have also joined many other Members of Congress in requesting funding for several national programs.

When approved, the funds that may ultimately be allocated to pay for these projects will not amount to a spending increase in the federal budget.  But, rather, these projects would be among the projects funded anyway by each appropriation bill – and not added as additional costs.

CLICK HERE for a list – organized by bill and alphabetical – of the requests I have submitted to the House Appropriations Committee for FY 2011.

*Note that these figures do not include the national projects or harbor deepening project.