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Huntsville Times: Letter to the Editor

May 22, 2008 - -

For Fair Tax

In 2006, the Government Accountability Office found that ten percent of the companies contracting with the General Services Administration owed $1.4 billion in delinquent federal taxes while owners and managers owned million-dollar homes and luxury vehicles. A previous GAO investigation found that Pentagon contractors owed a total of $6.3 billion in delinquent taxes.

Ease of enforcement and reduction of fraud are two of the many advantages of the Fair Tax plan. The plan (HR 25 and S1025) abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare and self-employment taxes and replaces them with one simple, visible, federal retail sales tax administered primarily by existing state sales tax authorities.

The plan was developed by professional and university economists and accountants, not politicians, thus is nonpartisan. It is a complete replacement of 67,000 incomprehensible pages of convoluted tax codes with only 133 pages.

For detailed information, go to or read the book, "Fair Tax: The Truth." If you agree that this is the best solution for a tax code that is fair to all and will boost our economy, contact your elected officials and urge them to support the pending legislation.

There are currently 71 co-sponsors of HR 25, while 218 are needed to get it out of committee where it is stalled.

Bobby L. Austin

Huntsville, 35806

All In the News*

FairTax Fact: The GAO (Congress's auditing branch) found that all of the exemptions, exclusions, and special favors in the current tax code drain federal receipts by $728 billion each year. That is almost as much as the nation spends on Medicare and Social Security combined and 60% more than the nation spends on national defense. The FairTax eliminates all deductions, credits, and carve-outs to ensure that everyone pays his or her fair share.