Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Congresswoman Kilpatrick Responds to Inquiry about the “Working for You” Newsletter

Detroit, MI Congresswoman Kilpatrick issued the following statement in response to an inquiry about the "Working for You" newsletter:

The newsletter was approved by the bi-partisan Congressional Franking Commission. The “Working for You” mailing was printed and processed by businesses in the 13th Congressional District.

All Members of Congress have a Members Representational Allowance (MRA) to support official and representational duties to the district from which elected. It is common for Members to use a variety of tools, including mail, telephone, and e-mail, to communicate with our constituents and share information about the work we are doing and how our efforts affect constituents, their families, and their communities. Such communication also gives constituents the opportunity to offer their feedback.

All official expenditures for congressional offices are listed quarterly in the Statement of Disbursements.

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