Congressman Ben Chandler
Contact: Jennifer Krimm (202) 225-4706
Congressman Chandler Announces Federal Funding for Legacy Trail with Mayor Newberry and First Lady Jane Beshear

Courtesy of Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government

Mayor Jim Newberry joined Congressman Ben Chandler and First Lady Jane Beshear today to celebrate the start of construction of the Legacy Trail, the 12.5 mile recreational trail that one day will stretch from downtown to the Kentucky Horse Park, taking walkers and cyclists through some of the most beautiful countryside in the world.

“Our joint celebration today demonstrates the federal, state and local partnership needed to make the Legacy Trail happen,” Newberry said.  “Other essential partners include citizens, who gave us the idea for the trail and who have been involved every step of the way through the Legacy Trail Steering Committee and through public planning meetings, and property owners, who contributed easements.”

Congressman Chandler and Mrs. Beshear praised the project.

“The Legacy Trail will create jobs, stimulate tourism, and reduce traffic congestion,” Chandler said.  “Not to mention, during the World Equestrian Games, thousands of international visitors will be seeing Lexington and Central Kentucky for the first time, and we want them to walk away loving this region as much as we do.  The trail is an excellent example of the success that can come when the local, state, and federal levels all work together for a common goal.”

Mrs. Beshear said, "The beautiful bike and pedestrian trails that will begin in downtown Lexington and venture out into Fayette County are a perfect example of urban adventure tourism opportunities.  The artwork and narrative signs along the path will add to the appeal of the trail and provide a unique glimpse into Lexington's culture and history."

In addition, Councilmembers Tom Blues, Jay McChord and Andrea James and state Finance and Administration Cabinet Secretary Jonathan Miller joined in today’s celebration.

The public, working with the Legacy Center, identified the trail as a project it would like to see grow out of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games for Lexington’s future.  Steve Austin, Legacy Center director, said the trail is "going to be one of the greatest additions to Lexington in many years.  That shows the power of individuals working together to make our city a better place to live."

The first and second phases of the trail are scheduled for completion before the Games begin in September.  “We’re not building the trail for the Games, but the Games are helping us get it built,” Newberry said.

Phase 1 begins off Ironworks Pike at the Horse Park, where there is a trail head, and travels through Maine Chance Farm and the University of Kentucky Coldstream Research Campus to Newtown Pike at Citation Boulevard.  Phase 2 picks up there and travels through Lexmark property to the Northside YMCA, where there is another trail head.  The cost of the first two phases, using a mix of federal, state and local funds, is approximately $7.8 million.

Phase 3, now in design, begins at the Northside Y and ends at Isaac Murphy Memorial Art Garden.

Newberry, who has made trails a priority and has overseen construction of the vast majority of local trails, said Lexington will soon be home to “one of the most appealing arrays of off-road trails in the country.”

Newberry thanked the property owners who donated easements to the trail including the University of Kentucky, Lexmark, Rosenstein Development, the YMCA of Central Kentucky, Marriott and the state.



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