Congressman Ben Chandler
Contact: Jennifer Krimm (202) 225-4706
Chandler Airport Safety Legislation Passes House in FAA Reauthorization
WASHINGTON (May 21, 2009)—Today, Congressman Chandler announced the passage of a much-needed study on runway incursions and airport safety within the FAA reauthorization bill which passed the House this afternoon.  Originally filed as separate legislation by Chandler in the wake of the 2006 Comair crash at Bluegrass Airport, the bill was included in today’s reauthorization as part of the congressman’s ongoing effort to improve passenger and airport safety.

Chandler noted, “I have been pushing for the inclusion of this much-needed study and the passenger bill of rights in the FAA reauthorization for quite a while now.  Today, I am glad the legislation is one step closer to becoming law—it is too important not to be.”

The aviation legislation was introduced in large part as a response to the Comair crash of 2006, as it is believed that this accident could have been prevented had some additional safety measures been in place at the time.

Chandler’s bill, introduced in the 110th Congress, required an independent review of the FAA’s aviation safety research.  It was then included as an amendment to the FAA Research and Development Reauthorization bill shortly after.

The review will examine whether the FAA’s safety research is being conducted in the most effective way and whether a mechanism exists for implementing their findings.   Many aviation safety programs would be reviewed, including the technology used by air traffic controllers.

“Forty-nine people died in Lexington that day… I want to make sure that we help prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening again, both in Central Kentucky and the rest of our nation. The safety of our people is paramount,” Chandler said, “whether that is at home, on the road, or in the air.”

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