Congressman Ben Chandler
Contact: Jennifer Krimm (202) 225-4706
Chandler to Deliver American Flag to Central Elementary in Winchester

WASHINGTON (February 8, 2006) Congressman Chandler will be at Central Elementary School in Winchester, KY on Friday, February 10th at 11:30 AM.  Chandler will be presenting an American flag that flew over the United States Capitol in the school’s honor.  



Congressman Chandler will also be speaking to Liza Dicken’s 5th grade class about global warming and the damaging effects of climate change on our world’s environment.   The entire class wrote letters to Congressman Chandler about the effects of climate change on current and future generations.  They asked the Congressman to speak to their class about his thoughts on global warming.



“Global warming is an unsettling reality that must be addressed immediately,” said Congressman Chandler.  “I was pleased to read the letters of concern from the 5th graders at Central Elementary.  It is assuring to see future generations concerned about our environment.”



Congressman Chandler will also discuss the history of the American flag as well as Kentucky’s role in developing our nation’s most recognized symbol. 




When Kentucky was admitted to the Union in 1792, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution to expand the flag to 15 stars and 15 stripes. This became the official flag from 1795 to 1818 which inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star Spangled Banner.” Once new states were admitted to the Union, President Monroe signed a bill in 1818 to limit the number of stripes to 13 in honor of the original colonies. The law designated that an additional star be added for each new state.




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