January 11, 2006

Chairman Buyer Applauds President’s Resolve, VFW's Support of War on Terror

Washington, D.C. — Yesterday in Washington, President Bush addressed the Veterans of Foreign Wars, caregivers from the military’s medical facilities, and others who faithfully serve our nation’s veterans and servicemembers.  He praised their stewardship.  He asked America to stand firm in the global war on terror. 

The VFW recently passed a resolution to “support the Commander-in-Chief and the brave men and women fighting the war in Iraq, as a matter of security for the American people, until victory is achieved, defined as Iraqi forces being solely capable of securing their nation.”  

I echo the President’s gratitude for the enduring resolve shown by the VFW and other patriotic groups, which clearly understand what is at stake. 

Those of us who have fought the nation’s wars understand the importance of support, not just from family and friends, but also from the government [officials] that sent us to war.   

In providing the nation firm leadership during a time of great peril, the President has also shown America’s veterans and servicemembers unwavering support commensurate with their service and sacrifice.   

As I join the President in his recognition of those who serve our nation’s veterans and servicemembers, I join the VFW in its support of our nation’s Commander-in-Chief and the cause of victory in this war.