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Dingell Statement on “Cash-for-Clunkers”

Washington, DC - Today, Congressman John D. Dingell spoke and voted in support of H.R. 2751, the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act (also known as “cash-for-clunkers”).  The Congressman is an original co-sponsor of the CARS Act and helped negotiate the compromise legislation and guide a previous but similar version of the bill through the Committee on Energy & Commerce as a part of the American Clean Energy and Security Act.  Below are Congressman Dingell’s remarks on the bill as prepared for delivery on the House Floor:

“Thank you, Madam Speaker.  I rise in strong support of the ‘Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act,’ authored by my friend and colleague, Representative Betty Sutton of Ohio.  This bill, which has the support of the Obama Administration, the United Auto Workers, domestic and foreign auto manufacturers and suppliers, and automotive dealers, will result in meaningful reductions in vehicle fleet carbon emissions and fuel consumption, all while providing much-needed stimulus for our ailing automakers and economy.

“I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Chairmen Waxman, Markey, and Stupak, as well as Representatives Sutton, Inslee, and Israel, for the collaborative and collegial approach they fostered during negotiations on this legislation.  It represents a fine balance between environmental and economic concerns, and is something which I believe each and every member of the Congress should support.

“We cannot wait any longer to pass this legislation.  Every day we put it off, auto sales are further depressed, as consumers, who are excited about this wonderful proposal, wait for Congress to pass this bill before buying a new car.

“In view of the unprecedented turmoil faced by domestic automakers and the growing imperative to address global warming, Representative Sutton’s fleet modernization bill stands out as a wonderfully practical mechanism by which to achieve consumer savings, reduced fuel consumption, lower carbon dioxide and criteria pollutant emissions, and increased sales for a critical sector of the National economy.  Indeed, in countries such as Germany, fleet modernization programs have been wildly successfully in all of these areas. 

“I thank you for your courtesy, Madam Speaker, and close by strongly urging my colleagues to vote in favor of Rep. Sutton’s eminently sensible bill."