Congressman Issa | Press Room
Illegal Immigrants Land at Camp Pendleton, Issa Applauds Actions of Military Officials Who Acted to Enforce the Law
WASHINGTON. D.C. – As the Obama Administration launched an offensive against the State of Arizona’s effort to allow law enforcement officers to verify the immigration status of individuals suspected of committing a crime, 34 illegal immigrants were caught along the Southern California coast today including a group of 18 who landed at the Marine Corp Base Camp Pendleton.

“Now that President Obama has decided to make a crusade targeting states like Arizona who are enforcing our nation’s immigration laws to protect their citizens from the threat posed by drug cartels, gangs and human trafficking operations, maybe the President will have the Justice Department investigate the United States Marine Corps for enforcing the law as well,” said Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-49), whose district includes Camp Pendleton. “For the better part of two decades, citizens in border states like Arizona, Texas and California have been told that illegal immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the federal government while their concerns about the safety of their families and communities have been largely brushed aside or met with inconsistent, under-resourced and ineffective responses from the federal government.”

Issa, who is the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and a member of the House Judiciary Committee added, “Just as the military officials at Camp Pendleton did today, states like Arizona who’s citizens live under the constant threat of border violence have every right to be enforce the rule of law, protect and defend themselves, their families and their communities."

Issa joined with a group of House lawmakers today in sending a letter to Attorney General Holder criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to challenge Arizona’s 2010 immigration enforcement law, SB1070. The letter was signed by Representatives Darrell Issa (CA-49), Lamar Smith (TX-21), Steve King (IA-05), Trent Franks (AZ-02), Ed Royce (CA-40), Todd Tiahrt (KS-04), Dana Rohrabacher (CA-46), Sue Myrick (NC-09), Elton Gallegly (CA-24), Marsha Blackburn (TN-07), Dan Burton (IN-05), Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (CA-25), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05), Gary Miller (CA-42), Gregg Harper (MS-03), Brian Bilbray (CA-50), John Carter (TX-31), Peter King (NY-03), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03), Jeff Miller (FL-01).
