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Burton Co-Signs Letter Urging Speaker Pelosi to Prohibit Federal Funding for Abortion

Posted by Josh Gillespie on January 22, 2010

Congressman Burton has always been a vocal fighter for the lives of the unborn.  In the battle over health care, he has helped lead the charge against the federal funding of abortion.  In continuing that fight, Congressman Burton has signed onto the following letter urging Speaker Nancy Pelosi to prohibit the Federal funding of abortion.  He has asked her to acknowledge the overwhelming bitartisan support in the House and across the nation for such a messure in her negotiations with Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid over the version of the health care bill that was passed out of the Senate.




The Honorable Nancy Pelosi



Dear Speaker Pelosi:


We are writing to follow up on the December 2, 2009 letter that 40 of our House colleagues sent you regarding a prohibition on government funding of abortion in the final version of the pending health care legislation.  Since you received that letter, the Senate passed a health care bill (H.R. 3590) that would require federal funds to subsidize elective abortions.  This policy differs significantly from the Stupak/Pitts Amendment contained in the House-passed health care bill (H.R. 3962), which would maintain the current policy of preventing federal funding for abortion and for health benefit packages that include abortion.  As you know, 64 Democrats voted in favor of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment, which passed the House by a wide, bipartisan margin of 240-194.


A significant majority of Americans – both those that identify themselves as pro-life and pro-choice – are opposed to the government funding of abortions.  Although you did not personally vote for the Stupak/Pitts Amendment to H.R. 3962, we request that you respect the significant bipartisan margin by which this amendment was adopted in our chamber and insist that the exact language of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment be included in the final version of health care legislation.  


Please respond to this letter to inform us of your intentions in negotiations with Senate Majority Leader Reid regarding the final version of health care legislation with respect to the Stupak/Pitts Amendment.  Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.  We look forward to your response.




Greg Walden                                                                            Jerry Moran

Member of Congress                                                                Member of Congress