Duncan Welcomes East Tennessee Safety Patrol to Capitol

WASHINGTON –Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-Tenn.) welcomed 1,650 youth from East Tennessee to the Capitol on Sunday for the annual AAA Safety Patrol trip.

Rep. Duncan has hosted the Safety Patrol every year during his time in Congress, and it is one of the longest running recurring tours of the Capitol.

“I especially enjoy welcoming these young people to the Capitol because this was the way I first visited Washington, D.C., when I was a sixth grader at Chilhowee School,” Duncan said.

Rep. Duncan arranges a special tour of the Capitol on a Sunday when the building is normally closed to visitors. The group receives a guided tour of the Capitol building and is seated on the Floor of the House or Representatives. It is a view very few visitors to the Capitol will ever experience.

“This is the one time of year when I return to Washington early, on a Sunday, so these young people can be treated as VIPs,” Duncan continued.  “I divide them into three groups and spend about an hour with each, showing them the House chamber, taking their questions, and demonstrating the voting machines.”

Rep Duncan also commended AAA, which has sponsored the trip since 1957, for its continued support.  “It is a great community service,” Duncan said.

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