Duncan Supports Bipartisan Effort to Address High Energy Costs

Washington, DC -- Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-Tenn.) today continued his push to help bring down energy prices by cosponsoring bipartisan legislation to address our Nation’s energy needs,.  Despite Congressman Duncan’s efforts and those of his colleagues, the 110th Congress, led by the Democratic Majority, has failed to pass any legislation that would provide relief to high fuel costs.

“My constituents call my offices everyday to demand that Congress do something about high gas prices.  Despite my concerted efforts to push for solutions, the Democratic Majority will not even vote on any of the energy solutions that could bring needed assistance to our citizens.  To further solidify their stance, the Majority today chose to ignore both their own caucus and the majority of Americans by adjourning Congress until mid-September.”

The National Conservation, Environment and Energy Independence Act, H.R. 6709, is a bipartisan effort that was introduced by Representatives Peterson, Abercrombie, Costa, and Burton, members of the Energy Working Group.  H.R. 6709 combines ideas that are supported by members on both sides of the aisle. 

The bill has three main sections, the first of which allows for the increased exploration and production of oil, oil shale, and natural gas on federal lands, both onshore and offshore. The second section provides for increased investment in alternative energy technologies and focuses on ways to use current sources in more clean and efficient ways.  The final section would release some of the content of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and invest the resulting funds in energy conservation, research, and assistance programs. 

“We will never know how Congress will come down on this issue if we cannot even vote on it.  Legislation like H.R. 6709 needs to come up for a vote and let the record speak for itself as to who in Congress agrees with the American people and intends to address rising fuel costs and find alternatives to our current fuel sources,” Duncan added.

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