Health Care Reform -- Coming Into Focus

Recently the Joint Economic Committee released a chart that depicts how the new health care system will look like when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Click here to see the full chart in detail.

When looking at the chart, the extensive expansion of the federal bureaucracy and the government’s involvement in every step of the health care process becomes painstakingly clear.  There will be $569 billion in higher taxes, $529 billion in cuts to Medicare, 17 major insurance mandates and the creation of an untold amount of new boards, programs,a nd bureacracies.  The worst part about the chart is that it represents only about one-third of the complexity of the final bill – it’s going to get even worse than this.

This chart illustrates why I am actively apart of the endeavor to repeal the this version of health care reform.  I am a cosponsor both H.R. 4903 and H.R. 4972 to repeal the bill.



Health Care Reform's Negative Impact

Many promises were made in selling the health care reform bill to the American people.  Less than a year later, we see premiums rising and employers dropping coverage.   Premiums Rising   ·     Premiums in ...


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