Federal Lawsuit Against AZ Immigration Law Is Irresponsible

Today, I joined 19 of my colleagues in a letter to Attorney General Holder criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to challenge Arizona’s 2010 immigration enforcement law, SB1070. 


In the letter, we wrote, “Arizona has taken a reasonable, constitutional approach to dealing with a problem that has been ignored by the Obama Administration.  Arizona's law simply applies state penalties to acts already illegal under federal law.


“This lawsuit reveals the Obama Administration's contempt for immigration laws and the people of Arizona.  It reveals contempt for the majority of the American people who support Arizona’s efforts to reduce human smuggling, drug trafficking and illegal immigration. 


“The new Arizona statute is harmonious with federal immigration law and uses current federal criminal provisions as the basis for state criminal provisions.  And in barring racial profiling, the Arizona law explicitly adheres to the strict standards of the U.S. Constitution.


“The Arizona law simply requires non-citizens to follow the federal law!”


The letter was signed by: Rep. Darrell Issa, Lamar Smith (TX-21), Steve King (IA-05), Trent Franks (AZ-02), Ed Royce (CA-40), Todd Tiahrt (KS-04), Dana Rohrabacher (CA-46), Sue Myrick (NC-09), Elton Gallegly (CA-24), Marsha Blackburn (TN-07), Dan Burton (IN-05), Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (CA-25), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05), Gary Miller (CA-42), Gregg Harper (MS-03), Brian Bilbray (CA-50), John Carter (TX-31), Peter King (NY-03), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03), Jeff Miller (FL-01). 



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