Issa Recognized for Rigorous Government Oversight

This week The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) recognized Congressman Issa with the Good Government Award in part due to the “rigorous oversight he conducted of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) and identifying those technical and cultural weaknesses at the agency that contributed to the Gulf Coast spill.” 

Congressman Issa was also recognized for being “a strong advocate for taxpayers since the earliest days of the government bailout of the financial sector. For instance, Issa forced the New York Fed to release key documents on the bailout of AIG, and introduced legislation to improve the government’s collection of business data.”

“Both of these Members (Congressman Issa and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, NY) have been tenacious in their oversight. When they have found misconduct, they have been tireless in their pursuit of accountability, even if it was their party in the White House,” says POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian. “These two Members show that you do not need to be the Chair of a Committee to do meaningful investigations.”

POGO’s Good Government Award is an occasional award for outstanding service in the pursuit of holding the government accountable to its citizenry.  

Click here to read more about the Issa investigation into the Interior Department and the Gulf oil spill.

Click here to read more about Issa’s investigation into AIG.




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