Issa Votes to Repeal Health Care Mandate

This week I voted to repeal the new federal mandate to purchase health insurance required under Obamacare.  The motion was defeated by a vote of 187-230. 


This Congress continues to ignore the majority of Americans who were outspoken in their opposition to the government takeover of health care before its passage and now as America discovers the true impact of this bill.


Since the passage of the health care reform bill analysis has shown many Americans will lose their existing coverage and health insurance premiums will rise.  This month the U.S. Department of Labor released information predicting up to 70% of employees, and 80% of employees in small businesses, will lose their existing health coverage.  Read more about the impact of Obamacare on existing coverage by clicking here.


Of the employers surveyed by consulting firm Mercer, 97% of employers confirmed their premiums will rise in order to comply with the new federal mandates.  Read more about the Mercer study by clicking here.


I am a cosponsor of H.R. 4972, to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  I have introduced an alternative bill, H.R. 3438, to allow all Americans access, to the same health insurance members of Congress have.  My bill does not mandate, tax, or takeover private health care.  Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with a commonsense alternative. 



Health Care Reform's Negative Impact

Many promises were made in selling the health care reform bill to the American people.  Less than a year later, we see premiums rising and employers dropping coverage.   Premiums Rising   ·     Premiums in ...


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