Health Care Update

The House of Representatives is currently scheduled to vote on health care reform legislation Sunday. On Thursday, the Congressional Budget Office released a preliminary cost estimate of $940 billion.

Democrats are touting this figure as "cost-savings" and an overrall reducation to the federal budget, but here is what they're not telling you is that this health takeover:

1.  Will increase your taxes by $569.2 billion;
2.  Will drastically cut Medicare funding by $500 billion;
3.  Will double the tax on health insurers in 2014;
4.  Will create another entitlement program like Social Security and Medicare; and
5.  Is filled with pork like the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase" used to buy votes of members of Congress.

Health Care Resources

Reconciliation Bill - H.R. 4872

Senate Bill - H.R. 3590

Congressman Issa's Health Care Lowlights

Tax Increases in Democrat Health Care Bill



Health Care Reform's Negative Impact

Many promises were made in selling the health care reform bill to the American people.  Less than a year later, we see premiums rising and employers dropping coverage.   Premiums Rising   ·     Premiums in ...


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