Committee on Rules

April 3, 2000 (12:30 p.m.)

Amendments Submitted to H.R. 2418,
Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network Amendments of 1999

(in alphabetical order)

Barrett (WI)/Kleczka #8 - Provides a financial incentive for states to creatively tackle the challenges inherent in organ donation awareness and education; authorizes direct grants to states and allows partnerships with other public agencies or private sector institutions within states to mutually undertake organ donation activities.

DeGette #1 - Provides a technical revision to language in the bill to ensure that our nation's organ transplantation system recognizes children's unique health care needs and provides for a study of immunosupressive drug coverage for children, in follow-up to the congressionally mandated Institute of Medicine study on Medicare immunosupressive drug coverage, and on children's unique growth and developmental health and organ transplant needs.

DeGette #6 - Provides a technical revision to language in the bill to ensure that our nation's organ transplantation system recognizes children's unique health care needs.

DeGette #7 - Provides for a study of immunosupressive drug coverage for children, in follow-up to the congressionally mandated Institute of Medicine study on Medicare immunosupressive drug coverage, and on children's unique growth and developmental health and organ transplant needs.

Greenwood #9 - Establishes grants to public and private non-profit organizations to establish demonstration projects to increase organ donation, including provision of travel expenses and optional life insurance annuities; requires the Secretary of HHS to consult with transplant experts in establishing the projects, including transplant surgeons, the AMA, teaching hospitals and religious and business leaders, and; funds the program at $25 million.

Kleczka/Barrett (WI) #10 - Directs the Secretary of HHS to designate a portion of the funds from Title Six to provide incentive payments to the ten states with the highest per capita organ donation rate. LATE

Kleczka/Barrett (WI) #11 - Directs the Secretary of HHS to designate a portion of the funds from Title Six to provide grants to States to facilitate organ donation by state employees. LATE

Kleczka/Barrett (WI) #12 - Directs the Secretary of HHS to designate a portion of the funds from the demonstration projects authorized in Title Six to encourage organ donation by high school students. LATE

Kleczka/Barrett (WI) #13 - Directs the Secretary of HHS to designate a portion of the funds from Title Six to provide incentive payments to the ten organ procurement organizations with the highest per capita organ donation rate. LATE

LaHood/Moakley/Rush/Peterson (PA) #3 - Provides that the policies and rules established by the Network shall be subject to review and approval by the Secretary of HHS; requires both HHS and its contractor to apply scientific principles to the development of organ allocation policies, and; ensures that data necessary to evaluate and improve the organ transplant system are provided to the public.

Luther #4 - Promotes wide sharing of organs only insofar as it comports with sound, objective medical judgments and criteria of the Network.

Luther #5 - Ensures that the policies of the Network could not be thwarted or preempted by state or local law.

Scarborough/Thurman #2 - Nullifies the final rule issued by the Secretary of HHS that gives HHS the sole authority to approve or disapprove organ allocation policies that are currently established by the private-sector transplant community.

* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.