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Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee on


(in alphabetical order)
April 30, 2003 (11:07 p.m.)

Allen #10 Encourages the procurement of HIV/AIDS medicines under the Global AIDS initiative at the lowest possible prices in order to provide treatment for the greatest number of people afflicted by HIV/AIDS.

Ballance #8 Expresses the sense of Congress that African nations that object to U.S. food aid on non-scientific grounds should accept this food assistance to improve nutrition, particularly for HIV/AIDS patients in those countries. Findings include discussion of food insecurity among HIV/AIDS infected individuals, the link between malnutrition and the accelerated deterioration of HIV/AIDS patients, as well as the diminished impact of HIV/AIDS drug therapy in malnourished individuals. Makes a technical change, removing an inaccurate reference to nevirapine.

Biggert #14 Expresses the sense of Congress that the President should conduct an outreach campaign to inform the public of the existence of the Global Fund and encourage private contributions to the Global Fund by establishing and operating an Internet website and making public service announcements. (Late)

Crowley #1 Requires that the teaching of programs to combat HIV/AIDS should involve a curriculum targeted to men and boys emphasizing gender equality and respect for women and girls.

Jackson-Lee #12 Expresses the sense of Congress that U.S. agencies should encourage U.S. businesses and private groups to provide assistance to sub-Saharan African countries to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS. Funds and assistance should be coordinated through a privately funded HIV/AIDS Response Fund.

Lantos #7 Provides all organizations implementing HIV/AIDS programs under this Act a "conscience clause." States that the Coordinator shall respect the views of any organization related to matters of conscience that prohibit the organization from participating in any aspect of the program. Organizations utilizing this provision must be able to participate in other aspects of the HIV/AIDS program, may not undermine interventions that it does not utilize or endorse, and shall establish a mechanism by which individuals receiving services or information are made aware of other prevention strategies. Establishes notification and reporting requirements.

McCollum #9 Ensures that orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS receive not less than 10 percent of the amounts appropriated for HIV/AIDS assistance for fiscal years 2006 through 2008, of which not less than 50 percent of the funding shall be channeled through non-profit, non-governmental organizations, including faith-based organizations, that implement programs at the community level. (Revised)

Millender-McDonald #3 Calls for a pilot program of assistance for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS that ensures the inheritance rights of women, particularly women in African countries. Requires that the Presidential report on the pilot program include a description of activities undertaken to carry out the pilot program. Calls for an authorization of appropriations to fund the pilot program.

Millender-McDonald #4 Includes the Peace Corps among the federal agencies involved in providing assistance to foreign countries to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Establishes Peace Corps HIV/AIDS coordinators in every country in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia where there are Peace Corps workers who work on HIV/AIDS. WITHDRAWN

Pitts/Hyde #6 Specifies that of the amount set aside for HIV/AIDS prevention in bilateral assistance, 33% should go to abstinence-until-marriage programs.

Smith (MI) #11 Reconciles funding levels with the President's budget and the budget resolution. Authorizes $2 billion in fiscal year 2004, as called for by the President's budget and the budget resolution. Increases the authorization by $500 million in each subsequent year until it reaches $4 billion in fiscal year 2008. Total authorization of $15 billion over 5 years is maintained.

Smith (NJ)/Hyde/Renzi #5 Clarification of the existing conscience protection language. Ensures that a qualified grantee is not disqualified from receiving HIV/AIDS funds because the grantee has a religious or moral objection to participating in some types of HIV/AIDS prevention or treatment.

Stearns #2 Requires that for every dollar paid to Global Fund staff that is over the amount of the U.S. Vice President's salary, that there be a deduction of the same amount from the next year's appropriation to the Global Fund. All funds would continue to go to HIV/AIDS programs. The President may waive the provision for national security interests.

Tauzin/Brown (OH) #13 Establishes priorities for the distribution of resources based on factors such as the size and demographics of specific nations to ensure that the countries hat need assistance the most receive it first. Commissions a report by the Institutes of Medicine that compares the success rates of various programs and methods used under the strategy set forth in H.R. 1298. Adds accountability measures to the funds authorized for the Global Fund. States that if at any point administrative expenses within the Global Fund exceed 10 percent of total expenditures of the Fund for any 2-year period, the U.S. shall withhold an equal amount from its contribution the following year. Requires the HIV/AIDS Coordinator to make available to Congress information on the Global Fund, including all financial and accounting statements and reports provided to the Global Fund by organizations contracted to audit recipients of funds and project proposals submitted by applicants and grantees. Encourages the Centers for Disease Control, in coordination with the Global AIDS Coordinator, to develop and implement effective strategies to improve injection safety and improve the education and information provided to the public and to health professionals. Directs the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a study on illegal importation into the U.S. of prescription drugs donated or sold for humanitarian efforts. (Revised)

* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.